School Principal Message


Greetings everyone! I hope everyone is well and making their way through these unprecedented times. Good news! - we are ready to continue instruction as a county using distance learning. Understand moving forward that we will be really learning the meaning of flexibility and patience! I have no doubt in my mind that the students, families and staff of BISFA will continue to thrive during this time. You are all incredibly special individuals - This is an opportunity to use those artistic skills of critical thinking, problem solving, persistence, creativity and discipline to make the most of this time.
● Critical thinking - It is not a stretch to say that many of your brains are constantly in high gear - use it to reflect and find alternative ways around hurdles.
● Problem solving - This is time to really use those reasoning skills. Times of great turmoil bring out the best in problem solving - How will all of this change what we know going forward?
● Persistence - You have all been through unsure times - stay the course - keep moving forward and do not give up.
● Discipline - Use the schedule created to get a routine. Now is also a time to work on the technical aspects of your craft - practice….
● Creativity - The most outstanding works of art are created in times like these.
I know many of you are disappointed not knowing where we stand with performances, graduation, prom and other aspects of the spring. Please know this - we are holding out hope, and I am enlisting your creative spirit to also think through alternate possibilities. This may end and we can finish out the year as scheduled, or we may have to really be creative. Understand - you are so very important to us and I want you to gain as much from this spring semester as possible. Seniors - You are who I most worry about most. We will find a way to make this senior as special as it needs to be. Keep an open mind, stay positive and we will work together moving forward.


Now some explanation of where we are and where we are going. Let us start with what we do know. Schools will be out until April 27. We will keep you updated if that is extended or changed. For now as a county we will be moving to distance learning. Your teachers are working very hard to plan for the next several weeks. They will be contacting you regarding your classes this week. Many of you have already been in touch with your teachers and I am not surprised - we have the best teachers! Officially the distance learning will begin on April 6. Please realize that updates will be coming continuously so be vigilant and flexible.


Here are what we are asking from you:


● Dedicate appropriate time to learning, comparable to a school day and/or as guided by your teacher/s.
● Check appropriate online platforms for information on courses, assignments, resources daily.
● Attend, as much as possible, the regular synchronous engagements offered by each of your teacher/s. Communicate tentative absences when possible.
● Identify a comfortable and quiet space to study/learn.
● Engage in all learning posted with academic honesty.
● Submit all assignments in accordance with provided timeline and/or due dates.
● Ensure your own social and emotional balance by keeping healthy habits.

Parents: Support their children in their learning by:

● Monitor Google Classroom updates and be sure to check in with your child daily about the distance learning tasks, activities and assessments they are working on.
● Designate a place where your child will work independently on his/her assigned tasks.
● Ask your child to provide a brief summary of the learning he/she is engaging in for each class to ensure their understanding of the content and of the process they are being asked to engage in to demonstrate their learning.
● Ask your child about their deadline calendar and support them, as needed, in submitting assignments according to the established deadlines.
● Remind your child to email his/her teachers if your child or you have questions or if you need extra help and support. Our faculty will be on hand to help and support.